
Students Graduate from Goodwill Excel Center in St. Louis on May 29

St. Louis Adult High School Holds First Commencement Ceremony ST. LOUIS (May 15, 2019) – MERS Goodwill announces the commencement ceremony of students from the St. Louis Excel Center at the Samuel Aftergut Rehabilitation Center located at 1727 Locust St. on Wednesday, May 29 at 6 p.m. with a celebratory reception to follow. This is…

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Students Graduate from Goodwill Excel Center in Poplar Bluff on May 28

Poplar Bluff Adult High School to Hold First Commencement Ceremony Poplar Bluff, MO (May 15, 2019) – MERS Goodwill announces the commencement ceremony of students from the Poplar Bluff Excel Center at 2233 North Westwood Boulevard on Tuesday, May 28 at 6 p.m. with a celebratory reception to follow. This is the first round of…

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Students to Graduate from Goodwill Excel Center in Springfield on May 30

Springfield Adult High School to Hold First Commencement Ceremony Springfield, MO (May 15, 2019) – MERS Goodwill announces the commencement ceremony of students from the Springfield Excel Center at 1514 South Glenstone Avenue on Thursday, May 30 at 6 p.m. with a celebratory reception to follow. This is the first round of students to complete…

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MERS Goodwill Excel Center to Open Columbia Location in October

Missouri’s fourth adult high school names Director and plans an opening of October 28 ST. LOUIS, MO (September 13, 2019) – MERS Goodwill announces the opening of the new Columbia location of the Goodwill Excel Center. Set to open on Monday, October 28, this is the fourth MERS Goodwill Excel Center, which are tuition-free high…

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Goodwill Excel Centers Set to Utilize Online Learning In All Locations

First term starts online on Monday, August 17 for nearly 700 students ST. LOUIS, MO (August 14, 2020) – MERS Goodwill announces that all four Goodwill Excel Centers located in St. Louis, Poplar Bluff, Springfield, and Columbia will start term 1 of the 2020/2021 school year on Monday, August 17, virtually. For the safety of…

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MERS Goodwill Excel Centers Hosts Fall Graduations

Adult high schools to hold graduation ceremonies on September 25 & 26 ST. LOUIS, MO (September 21, 2020) – MERS Goodwill announces the commencement ceremonies of students from the Goodwill Excel Centers in Poplar Bluff, Columbia, and Springfield on Friday, September 25 and in the St. Louis location on Saturday, September 26. In total, the…

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